Hi there, my friends, long time no see! Recently the network was so bad, and I can't even upload pics, or write anything here.
but however, wishing u people out there HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!
will update my blog once the network is better.
c ya , love and peace!
Beyond Ridiculous!
Friday, December 22, 2006 Posted by Hazellie at 4:49 PM | Labels: Miscellaneous, ThoughtsI have just gotten very disturbing news.
As you all know, our Home Ministry has decided to ban certain books depending on whatever they deem should or should not be censored. First of all, I believe in freedom of choice, and I don't believe in censorship whatsoever. For goodness sake, we are not children who don't know the difference between right or wrong, we are adults with *brains*! And moreover, we are people who *read*, obviously. So whatever we choose to read, we can decide for ourselves the extent to which the book effect us!
The act of censorship itself, especially in books, suggest that we Malaysians are stupid children who don't know better, who need others to think for us, who need the Home Ministry to spoon-feed us. And the worst thing is, the people who are supposedly appointing themselves our 'personal thinkers' don't really think all that well.
You know why I say that?
Ok, assuming that I'm alright with the act of banning books itself, assuming that I believe that there are certain books that should be banned... They should be banned based on their content and not the titles!!! For goodness sake!! What the hell is wrong with giving your book an interesting and eye-catching title? It's just a title! Should we now fine everybody who has the misfortune to be named Dick or whatever other dubious name? Just because the guy's name is Dick doesn't mean that he's a dick!
Ok, let's assume further that it's ok to ban books based on their titles, let me ask you, what titles do you think should be banned? The Vagina Monologues? Maybe. A book with something vulgar on the title, well, I could probably understand that. But banning a book because it has the word Kiss on the title? This is beyond ridiculous!
But this was exactly what they did! They confiscated a book because of the word Kiss in the title!
Sighz... Everytime I think that Malaysia is making progress, some people just have to prove me wrong and show me that we're going backwards. Please, I love Malaysia, and I love it here, but everytime I see something like this, I just feel... disappointed. Honestly. *shakes head sadly*
I am against censorship and bookbanning, and I believe in freedom of choice! Free the books! Don't let them ban those books! Let us choose what we should and shouldn't read! Let us build our knowledge and our minds without interference! Support the Freedom of Books! FreeTheBooks.blogspot.com!
erm, the stories of 9th(my birthday) i will write it when more free..but today another story to tell you..*_*
**the pic showing,is just took from a web site,is not what i bought!**
Today, after met up client,was plan to go with Betty for shop, bout 6pm we will going to shop for something^_^.
thing is , after met up client, and long drive, bit tired, and at last, reach to Betty house(5+pm) was so happy that can take a nap-_-
but last minute,that Betty can't able to go with me, so end up I shop my self >_<
(shop for a gift)
1st, i went to Amcorp Mall ,park my car outside the mall...^_^
for fast shop,less than 30mins,couldn't fine it, then i drove to Curve,took me sometime for parking..:(
then seach around the mall,couldn't find it,then runnnnnnnnnnn to Ikano...:(
sad..sad... can't fine it... but went for fast dinner at Ikano>_<
So wanted go to One Utama,but because of bz hour,don't think can make it.Parking,jamm...
end up went back to ss2,others place....end up
**is a gift for betty's dad.his birthday on 25th dec!
note:sorry i can't let u know what am i looking for...
u pay me than i will tell you!
but the whole day was DRIVING DAY, BUT I AM HAPPY, CUZ I FOUND IT!
time to sleep....too tired low batt...liau!!!:(
My birthday! 9th Dec (part 1)-nite to be remember!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 9:30 AM |
food food food!!!
this 8th Dec,was on Friday (one day before my main birthday 9th)cuz avoid the jam and too many people in mall,we decide to have celebration on friday.Betty took me for shopping,Yahoo!! pics was took on my birthday, I went to Shogun(Japanese buffet in One U) with my dear(Betty)
she bought me birthday dinner, awwwww!!!
gifts?haha, she bought me 2 pants,(nice pants I have)also motivate me to work hard !!!^_^
the pants she bought are bit bigger than my waist now, she said to me that want me to get fatter!!! ^_^ thanks to her dinner, I got fatter!
by the way if u want to go for dinner, you need to book the place, early
and be there by 6.30pm,cuz they won't wait too long for you.
PHONE:03-7726 3770 at ONE U, NEW WING ,2ND FLOOR!
We reach there 6.30pm partly because we want to have a long dinner till 10.30pm.
hahaa our dinner took us 4 hours?Yup,is true!!!! Why?
cuz we have lot things to share,chat the whole 4hours, we love to take longer time for dinner and we play games during dinner..What game?Buy me dinner I will tell you !! hahaha...
dear Betty(thanks for everything u did for me! muacks!)
after dinner , (still on 8th Dec) time around 11.15pm,we decide went to my friend's pub (Roland Tan)near PJ Hilton,he is artist too!Watching his performance, well I really want to say this he did improve a lot , a lot!!! I am proud of him, he back up with another 2 ladies singer. By the way, for your info , he was my guitar student ^_^
He can sing , he sang Elvis,Sam Hui and many more..He can dance,anything in your mind, just name it!!!
When I look at him on stage, in my mind was thinking I was on this stage at his pub (2002~2003)with my band .We were playing English,and peoples were crazy !! Is strong memories , till now I can still recall it!
till 12am(9th Dec) awwww..Betty give me hug and say happy birthday(SO LOVELY),then follow by friends SMS,many of them..Thanks once again!!!!
** Betty,glad that i met you!MUACKS!!
End of the day near 1.30am, we about to go(tired)and last,manage to grab Roland to take pics with us.^_^ i will be your number one fans.
By the way he gave me his cd's and also video music to watch!!
thanks to him , anyway!my another birthday gifts!
Betty & Roland
Roland and me
but the day 9th(my day)not the end yet,more stories to share!!...To be continual!!
story bout 9th (Sunday) day time what I did?
before my brother's birthday/25th NOV Company singing competition
Posted by Lone QL Chu at 8:50 AM |on 25th, Saturday morning, is a day which I am going for the competition (singing)
some idol thingi..At Karaoke in Bangsar shopping mall,
.the song that i played,I actually arrange by my own, I am choosing "time after time" mix "with can't take my eyes off you". With jazz style(bossa nova)
Lots of people taking part, 1st prize is mobile (motorola)v3i,end up I got number 6th out of 23 peoples. Well I got an voucher RM50, not bad huh?
here some pics , enjoy and have fun!From the pics u can see everywhere were surounding by our people!! hahaha!(MINDY AND BETTY INFRONT)
FRONT:Tati(my manager support me),Doreen(she eat and shout),Betty(she got 2nd in this competition),Lai Mun(she give prize),Raymond(he incharge of whole event),Bob(eat,eat,,eat),Remus(he sang Richard Marx),Alan(he shout a lot, u can hear his voice in the whole area),and Jeff(behind*he got 5th in competition)
Okays, time for stories,
after the whole entire event, time about 4.30pm, I was rushing back to PJ, pick up my parents, get ready to PD, for my brother's bday!
plan was, he didn't know me and Sister in law(RON)plan!Giving him a surprise!
After pick up parents, and then went to Betty , cuz we are going together.
Last, we were late, till PD about 8pm.so so hungry!End up we be able to meet up together to have dinner with bro/wife,he was so shocks!!!
That time was holiday season , so was hard to get a room, fully booked!!!But luckly Ron get to booked a apartment for parents,me and Betty , so we got the place to sleep!!! hahaa...
After dinner, we went back to appartment , for Cake session.
Wonder we can really eat huh?^_^
Till the next morning, we had a car racing session. haha that's the 1st time i tried, well for your information, i am a danger driver.^_^ i manage to get 2nd..cuz my brother is a safety person, he got last :P
1st was his friend..opssss can't recall back his name!
Ladies session-racing
Ron got 1st
Betty 3rd
brother's friend's gfriend - got 2nd
wahhhh happening!!.....Right after brother's birthday , on the same day rushing back to PJ from Port Dickson,attending friends wedding.Me and Betty went for wedding!
Ah... Finally,my friend got LOCK up ^_^ with a beautiful wife of cause!
And because of I am his sifu(guitar teacher)
end up , I cant escape of drink with him) he gave me a big glass of beer.that's the reason why my face turned red!!!>_<
beautiful ice?
me and my dear Betty
check out my face!!!!>_<
with Seng and wife(Joe)
met new friends
I'm currently obsessed with this song by Hinder, Lips of an Angel. It's the first song I've heard from them, and at first I thought it was by Creed or Nickleback or something, coz the voices all sound similar. You know those types which seems to be a trend nowadays, the low, sexy, deep voice types. It's getting really boring.
But the difference between Hinder and all those other bands...I don't know, maybe it's just this song, but you can *feel* the emotions. You know most of the time you like a song because it speaks to you, there's something in the song that you can relate to? Well, there's nothing in the lyrics that relates to me. I've never had an experience like that. But the song moves me to the deep deep deep core of my soul.
The pain, the love, the hurt, the anguish!! I can feel it all in his voice! If you took away all the lyrics and just listened to his voice, oh, I could cry.
This is true music!
Maybe the song is just something simple, it doesn't show off your amazing vocal skills, it doesn't show off your amazing finger work on the guitar, it doesn't show your amazing composition skills. But it moves people.
And that's really all you need to be a musician.
x'mas & 2007 coming,what's your plan?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 11:04 PM |
well , to all my friends,
1st of all
I would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE...
few more days to x'mas , and also new year 2007
I believe u people out there ready to have fun?
hhaaha... For me, ermm.. Me too , ready to have fun
but the thing is ...
can everyone sit down and think.that
what u have done in 2006?
anything ?
(just sharing)..
today I have a division meeting.
some interesting I have learn.
ask your self 4 question:
>>wake up early so I can do more gym, (6pack)
>>>and sleep early. Get a healthy life! ^_^
>>(not for me )stop smoking...
>>don't be late for any date/appt/time
eat more vege/fruits
smile more
make more money$$$$ hahahah^_^
read more books
do more sports
makes more friends
play guitar
focus on work
think and see bigger pics
give more love to the person that i love!
spend less money...^_^
eat less meat
so friends, ask your self...How bout u????????
I know I haven't been blogging much lately. Sorry! You know la... holiday season and all... =P
Right now I feel too lazy to post up pictures, so I'll just ramble and see if anyone wants to read my long-winded post ok?
Ok, firstly...I got a rash after fishing last week! Arghh! It's my mother's fault, she got me to wear this sunblock thing on my face, and I (forgetting that my skin's sensitive to particular sunblocks) put it on, thinking that I must protect my skin from the oh so damaging sun. I ended up getting a rash on my face! On my face!! Ugh!
Luckily, it wasn't very visible, my skin felt really raspy, like sandpaper... Yuck! but no one would've known I was having a rash unless they touched my face and felt the sandpaper. =P I don't know why it wasn't visible, but I'm glad for that at least. I couldn't wear makeup though, so I went around looking like a zombie, and the most uncomfortable part was my lips. Yeah, terkena my lips too, very uncomfortable and dry and raspy and irritating feeling. =(
It's almost all gone now. =) Yayy! But please, remind me never to just put any old sunblock lotion on again! The last time I did it was in 2000, six years ago! No wonder I forgot!
It was while I was in The One Academy, and as you know, One Academy students get privileges when it comes to Sunway Lagoon (I don't know if that's still true, but it was at the time). So my classmates and I went to Sunway Lagoon, and I put on sunblock! And honestly I don't remember anything about that day, except that I got rashes all over my body the next day.
And my parents being what they are...into holistic healing and all... *sigh*...
I wasn't allowed to go to the doctor for jabs to suppress the allergy. I had to let it naturally run its course, so that my body could build immunity to it. (Yeah, right, how come I'm still allergic now. But then again, six years ago it was the body which got rashes, not the face. Maybe the face hasn't got the immunity built in until now. LOL! I don't know how it works.) So...I had to live with the rashes for *two* whole weeks!!
So I missed two whole weeks of classes! At my parents' insistance, mind you! And when I went back to class, my lecturer(Valentina, to those of you who know her, you'd know I went through hell!) sounded me for being absent for two weeks, although I gave her a letter from my parents. She wanted an MC, not a letter. But hey, come on, this is something I strongly oppose! Must I go see the doctor for every little malady that befalls me? Sometimes all we need is a little bit of rest, and our body will heal itself. Going to the doctor for medicines and antibiotics sometimes aggravates your problems more! And of course, it keeps you going back to the doctor again and again and again, because your problems are never really solved, they are just suppressed. So they keep cropping back up again and again and again!
I am very proud to say, that except for my yearly regular checkups (which everyone should go for), I haven't been to a doctor in.... Oh gosh! I have no idea how long, it's been *really* long! I find it a total waste of money to go to a doctor everytime you have a mild cough, or a cold, or a fever. Come on, don't be a baby, these things will go away on their own. Unless of course, they get really really bad. Then by all means, go see a doctor!! LOL!
Hey, I'm not saying that I'm one of those completely healthy health freaks. LOL! I am absolutely not a health freak, but I wish I was! And I'm not completely healthy, I have unhealthy predisposition. But if you think going to the doctor for every little boo-boo you have helps, think again. You have no idea how ignorant most doctors are about health. They might be experts on diseases, but they know nothing about health.
Which is the whole point.
My personal motto: Prevention is better than cure. You don't need medicines if you're healthy. And if you keep yourself healthy, you have nothing to worry about.
Don't forget that it's not in the best interest of the doctor to help you prevent illnesses, coz if nobody got sick ever, every doctor would lose their livelihood. LOL!
Personally, I'd rather pay a nutritionist to help me keep healthy, than a doctor to help me cure a problem that I could've easily prevented. Luckily, I already have the best nutritionist *and* doctor looking out for my best interest. I've got the best of both worlds. =) And I'm always interested in learning more about healthy living.
I recently came across this guy's blog: BetterThanYourBoyfriend and I am *intrigued* by his posts. He's such a strong advocate for eating well and healthy living, and all because he read a couple of books which changed his whole complete outlook! I'm getting those books, I want to know what's in them that could've effected him so much that he decided to be a vegan just like that. Who knows? I might convert too! =) He's a very intelligent guy, and his posts are highly entertaining. If you visit his site, you must read his 'advices', they're really good!
me and dear Betty!yehhhhhhhh RACING TIME!!!!
having racing with brother and friend. At my back is Betty!! At PD haha
that's the winner,1st brother's friend,2nd me,3rd(last)my brother!Check out our helmet!
this is the place we were stay in PD, I can't recall back the name!Not bad huh?
foots print! During nite time, which was my?
me and my brother! On his birthday!
Will tell u more story. This was taken 25-11-06.That's many special guests here! Want to know more? Log in to my blog ..
more coming soon!
aiya, I just came back from tmn megah, went to play badminton with Betty, cuz my brother invite us to play.Time : 8.30pm till 11pm .
But thing is end up we didn't have to pay anything, cuz at the next door we have a empty space* for us to play. So me and Betty get to play free! ^_^Best part because I can meet up my high school mate too!
After long time didn't play badminton. aiya.. Not use to it, but I believe if we keep on playing for long time , haha I can become the international player. :P
today's match : Lone VS Betty 2-1 Lone won!
We had "bet" ..Was whoever lost then loser buy food to the winner,but end up I am the want who buy..How come??
Tomorrow back to work , and tomorrow is our division (x'mas gifts exchange session) wonder what I get for them ? hehe will tell u later.And then on Thursday 6pm we are going to Time square to watch movie - Eragon
Something interesting I believe.
Well last note here, I will update the bday pics..(nothing much !) just be patience!
Time to sleep ..nite nite..!
I woke up really early on Sunday to go fishing! I was up by 6am, and we reached the place by 8am. It was a beautiful place, completely natural and untouched by commercialism. That's the way I like it.




This is my second catch! It was only 2.2kg though. They kept biting, one after another, and they kept getting smaller. =P







It was great fun! And I can't wait to go back again and spend the whole day catching more than my share! Lone and I had a lunch appointment that day, so we had to rush off by 11.30am, else we could've stayed longer and caught a whole lot more fishes! Well, we'll go back soon, I think Lone's addicted! *grin*
Peoples, friends, thanks for the sms, gifts,calls,msn,food,drinks,friendster's testi,pray for me...sing for me..(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE),
i am so so happy that you people remember my day(so touching)..
by the way, I will update pics and stories here, jz bit of bz, these day.. Too many fans want to buy me gifts buy me food..hahaha
.. So , will see u soon yah?
To the funnest colleague!!
To the most talented bandleader and guitarist!!
To the most patient guitar teacher!!
To the best friend!!
Thank you for making my life more colorful! I love you lots! Muaks! Hugs! Smooches! Kisses! etc! LOL! =)
few more hours is my birthday..Well new age, new year, new thinking..
of cause, new goal..
I want to make it happen in next year.
In every years of my bday, I always make the same wish.. And is always comes true. hahah ... Of cause I can't tell you... My secrets!
cause always works..U wanna know? Pay me ..!!
compare to last year, lots things happen , happy, sad...Etc..
one of the most happy thing is , I was working in Yamaha, get to know lots of nice people(teacher..Etc..)I will not forget it!..
and also my life turn more color after I join this current company.
I love it. But at the same time , I love Yamaha peoples, because of them , makes me a better person , a person who always learn to deal with others people!..
sorry to those teachers, I gave u a hard time (sometimes) ^_^
tomorrow I am taking one whole day off, because going out for relax, haha will back to work on my Birthday...
huh? *who* am I going out with?
well , cal me.. Tomorrow , I tell u then... hehehe!
I did improve a lot, in works, mindset, thinking, deal with people,many more..
but not too much of my playing guitar skills . Well , I better work out something. Cuz I love music,that's a person (guitarist) I always want to be, of cause we can't be like them , but at lease get closer to him.His skills of playing guitar.
I love blues. Thanks to Philip, my ex-guru , who told me listen to him , and try Fender Guitar. Now I am better (me) in playing, and in Blues!I bought Fender Jap series 1985 for RM1XXX,now worth RM3XXX in spore.
Limited Edition.^_^
looks like SRV guitar.hahah
The guitarist - Stevie Ray Vaughan(SRV)
I love Blues!
kind of funny, hardly see Chinese play blues.This was one of friend told me, and I answered him back. Now U will see!
cheers to BLUES!
**try listen to Little Wing, Pride and Joy by SRV**
Christmas and all that
Thursday, December 7, 2006 Posted by Hazellie at 10:46 AM | Labels: Fun, ThoughtsYes I know the countdown doesn't match my layout but what can I do? Malaysia had never had a white christmas anyway, but there's always sun and sand here! =P
So anyway, 17 days til Christmas, another beautiful, fun, loving, happy, family holiday over-commercialized and turned into a tacky day for no other reason than to get people to spend their hard-earned money on useless ornamental things and presents that no one cares about just for the sake of letting them feel gratified that they received a present.
Hmm...sounds cynical, doesn't it?
Look, I love Christmas just as much as any other person, in fact, I love it more for it's true meaning and purpose, not for the meaningless, cheap gift-giving. We can't all afford to get good presents to everyone, so we end up buying cheap, useless stuff just so everyone we know will have some small trinket from us. That's not the point!!
It's not about how expensive the present is, nor it is about everyone receiving a small little useless something from you that you probably bought in bulk, because it was a christmassy thing. Whatever.
It used to be about love, about effort. How about just giving presents to your close loved ones? Hand-made stuff? Knit a sweater, crochet a bag, make a personalized bookmark. It doesn't have to be expensive. Or if you're a klutz when it comes to handmade stuff, how about buying something you know the person wants or needs? A book for a bookworm, yarn for a knitter, tools for a gardener, etc. I'm sure you know your loved ones better. Now we're giving presents to every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and we are in effect, spending a lot more money on presents that these people will open, ooh and ahh over in your presence, thank you for, and chuck in a corner once they reach home, because it's basically useless. What is the point?!
You know, if everyone who was going to spend RM10-20 on useless presents for me gave me the money instead, I could go and buy something useful. In fact, if they saved the money for themselves, and allowed me to save my money for myself, we could just get ourselves good presents, and just pretend that everyone else contributed to our wonderful, useful items. Blek...
I used to really love Christmas...now if it wasn't for all the Christmas trees infesting all the places I go to, the Christmas songs, and lights, and the fact that all the prices are marked up, I'd hardly remember that Christmas was here. Who took the fun out of Christmas?
This play a very important part in my life spending in Yamaha too.
is the CATS!!!
cats makes me happy , they playful , cute, I bought them cats food even they are streets cats. I love them sayang them .
the 1st one was (YELLOW)Garfield, he is cute, I like to hit his butt! But sad to said that after few month I am with him...He got lost. I wonder , till today I don't know what happen to him , I really hope he is fine!
the other one Female cat, till now I have no name for her, she like to sleep , merajuk , she is smart, when I park my car out side the shop, she will come near to me , she knows.and always wait for the food! (that's cat, they only see , if u got food for them !)
and once awhile she will RAPE by others male cats, which I hate the most! What to do , she just too pretty!!!!:(
another one kind of Blacky..Is male cat, got to know him for few weeks , end up a Yamaha student kipnap him...hahaa
the last one , yellow cat, the mom is the one who got rape by others, well this yellow very playful , smart too , same thing happen here, once I park my car out side , with the beep* sound.. She will run...run to me across the street, and miaw to me... What else? FOOD!!!!!
all these cats keep me happy , when I am not happy in works, they are the one who makes me happy .. Oh yah.. Of cause Felix ( my friend) and Nurul too...!!