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Why I Didn't SMS Anyone During CNY

Saturday, January 31, 2009 |

Whenever we go a long time in between postings, we usually have very good excuses reasons for it. =)


Well, I said usually, not always.


Anyway, our reason this time is because Lone had been working on a 2-week project to get ready for a particular company's launch in the music industry. Nothing really to do with us, just that they enlisted Lone's help for those 2 very hectic and rushed weeks, and so Lone had been very busy and couldn't post much online.


As for me... because Lone's time was taken up with this launch, I had to cover for him in our own biz. Also with last minute shopping for CNY, and various other stuff which I may or may not tell you about later. =)


Most significantly though, for everyone who hasn't heard from me for CNY, and who've wished me a Happy CNY but never got a reply back, please DON'T think that I've forgotten you or that I don't care about you!


I have a *very* good reason! And in fact, it's a very annoying thing that's happen, but...


OK, my phone conked out on the eve of CNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing was getting in, and nothing was getting out. I sent so many sms-es out, and I didn't know until the next day that they weren't getting through. And I also thought that none of my friends had remembered me because I didn't get any sms-es at all!!


I was complaining to Lone the whole night, "How come none of my friends sms me to wish me Happy CNY? Have they all forgotten me?" So sad!!


Then I found out that my phone was the problem! =P


So I'm glad to know that my friends did not forget me, but I'm so terribly irritated that my phone chose the eve of CNY to bail on me!


Now I'm using Lone's spare phone, and I don't have any of my friend's numbers there, and I can't get into my stupid phone to get them, so it's like I have to start from scratch and collect everyone's phone numbers again.


I'm not doing it now though, because I haven't bought a new phone yet, and to tell the truth, I don't really feel like getting a new phone at the moment. I'm feeling too lazy to go through the motions.


I wanna have a nice long rest this weekend, then I'll be ready to start working again. =)

Good Year of 2008 and 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009 |

Hi friends, Sorry its been a while that I have not time for blogging. :)

Anyway, just some minor sharing with you about what happen on 2008.

Some of the things Betty had covered for me , and now I would like to cover the others.

1- I had read more books than 2007, although not a lot .
2- Good and nice musicians to friend with and play with.
3- Betty got me a wonderful birthday gifts related to my music understanding
4-Business getting better.
5 - I have gained weight. Hahaha!!

6 - The most important I would say in 2008 , I got a very wonderful darling in my life who always support me , loving me , cares of me. That's how my 2008 had such a wonderful year, and 2009 will be even lot better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Year of 2009

1- Can't wait for 2009 , because lot good thing will be happen on me.
2-On the way to be better musician. More songs will be compose and written. (Stay tuned)
3-Looking forward for different level of achievement in music industry.
4- Of cause with better love life with Betty :)
5-Read more books that related to my life improvement.
6- Last , always wanted to be a BETTER me than yesterday. :) Cheers and keep rocking!!

Last, Happy New Year 2009!!!


Lone and Betty wishes all our beloved friends and readers a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year!

May the year of the ox bring you strength, health, wealth, love, and all the happiness in the world!

Have a wonderful holiday! Drive safe!

Big Long Meme

Monday, January 12, 2009 |

Stolen from Strixaluco's blog, with a slight twist.

Bold the ones you've done, italicize the ones you want to do, and strikeout the ones you will never do. Leave the ones you're not sure about alone. =)


1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you could afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo.

11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child (What about if I adopted dogs?)
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping

27. Run a marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset

31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (I've been to China, but only parts of it.)
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied  (Keyword: "had". Back when I was 12 years old, probably)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David.

41. Sung karaoke.
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight (Yes, it was every bit as romantic as I thought it would be...)
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

51. Gone scuba diving and snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater

55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial

71. Eaten caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book

81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox.
89. Saved someone’s life.
90. Sat on a jury.

91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a mobile phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day (7 books a day actually, for two weeks. Though I was 12, they were YA books, and it was during a two-week school break.)

The Year 2008

Thursday, January 1, 2009 |

Last year (2007), Lone and I reflected on the things we achieved in that year and what we were proud of. It's time for us to reflect again, on the year 2008, and the things we are proud to have achieved. In no particular order, 13 things we are proud to have achieved in 2008:

  • We performed in Planet Hollywood.
  • We got engaged.
  • We got sole distributorship of a very good guitar pedal brand for the whole of Malaysia.
  • I started a book club in Klang Valley.
  • I started an online book club with real-time chats.
  • Getting more than 1000 visitors to our blogs.
  • I made so many new friends, both in real life and online.
  • Creating a great company site for our business.
  • Learning new things everyday.
  • Performing in KL for Christmas and New Year's eve.
  • Giving health talks and presentations to my dad's customers at his office.
  • Finally getting started on my book project.
  • Loving much and laughing often.

2008 was a great year!

As I've said before, there are a lot of small and intangible things, and some which are difficult to express, but as per my now famous motto: As long as I'm better today than I was yesterday, and better tomorrow than I am today, no matter how small the improvement, I'm doing great. And I am proud of all the things we've achieved last year.

I am so looking forward to more great stuff in 2009, and believe me, 2009 is going to be spectacular!

Right off the bat, I can tell you that next year when I write the list of things we're happy to achieve in 2009, one of them will be that Lone and I got married. =) Ok, I know that's cheating, but it's still an achievement. LOL!

It is great to be alive!

Happy New Year 2009!!


Happy new year to all our friends and readers! Let's have another amazing year of love, happiness, health, prosperity, and friendship!! *toast* To the future!