Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


Music Player web


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 |

Remember a year ago, when I said Lone and I were moving in together to this blog address from Just Betty, and from his own personal blog?


Remember I said that was so we didn’t have to maintain so many blogs and just use one for the both of us?


Well, now we have dozens of blogs each, and I feel stupid for ever thinking I’d be happy with one.


Let’s see… I have this blog, my own book blog, another blog for my crocheting, and one for learning Chinese, and my health blog, and another blog for my book chats, and one over at Livejournal, and another one at vox, a private one just for me, and another for our music… And I kinda want another one for… stuff.


Lone has this blog, his blog for learning Japanese, another for learning Spanish, his guitar tutorial blog, and another blog for our original music, and another for original Chinese music, and well….


You’re laughing at us now, aren’t you?


You are. I know you are.


Stop laughing.


Please stop.


I said stop.


Hey!! Stop laughing!


Shut up!




Fine! Laugh if you want, I don’t care!



