Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Why I Didn't SMS Anyone During CNY

Saturday, January 31, 2009 |

Whenever we go a long time in between postings, we usually have very good excuses reasons for it. =)


Well, I said usually, not always.


Anyway, our reason this time is because Lone had been working on a 2-week project to get ready for a particular company's launch in the music industry. Nothing really to do with us, just that they enlisted Lone's help for those 2 very hectic and rushed weeks, and so Lone had been very busy and couldn't post much online.


As for me... because Lone's time was taken up with this launch, I had to cover for him in our own biz. Also with last minute shopping for CNY, and various other stuff which I may or may not tell you about later. =)


Most significantly though, for everyone who hasn't heard from me for CNY, and who've wished me a Happy CNY but never got a reply back, please DON'T think that I've forgotten you or that I don't care about you!


I have a *very* good reason! And in fact, it's a very annoying thing that's happen, but...


OK, my phone conked out on the eve of CNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing was getting in, and nothing was getting out. I sent so many sms-es out, and I didn't know until the next day that they weren't getting through. And I also thought that none of my friends had remembered me because I didn't get any sms-es at all!!


I was complaining to Lone the whole night, "How come none of my friends sms me to wish me Happy CNY? Have they all forgotten me?" So sad!!


Then I found out that my phone was the problem! =P


So I'm glad to know that my friends did not forget me, but I'm so terribly irritated that my phone chose the eve of CNY to bail on me!


Now I'm using Lone's spare phone, and I don't have any of my friend's numbers there, and I can't get into my stupid phone to get them, so it's like I have to start from scratch and collect everyone's phone numbers again.


I'm not doing it now though, because I haven't bought a new phone yet, and to tell the truth, I don't really feel like getting a new phone at the moment. I'm feeling too lazy to go through the motions.


I wanna have a nice long rest this weekend, then I'll be ready to start working again. =)