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Reading day-at BORDERS

Thursday, October 26, 2006 |

I am so happy , 1st of all this afternoon went to somewhere near Jln Gasing had chicken rice with Betty,was raining . But is okay, it can't stop us to eat the yamiiieee chicken rice(kampung chicken).

then later we ate will 1.30pm , we went to Curve. To Borders.
We spend the whole day from 2pm till 6pm for reading , Betty bought some book , and my self I bought a book '***' for my self , to improving my skills in my work. I love the book so much & I am in the mood to read, so I am not spending too much time to blog today.hehe, forgive me ya?

oh ya. BTW, I went to friend's shop to rent from him a show name 'SAW'. Is horror movie, as I told u , I love horror.

I also asked Betty to lent me the book name Flesh-Richard Laymon.

ahh. It will takes me longer time to read, cuz I am not fast reader.

hehe till here, see ya , going bk to read.


*nice to hide in the room for reading / sleep , cuz weather now is cooling.

And argggggg... tmr back to work.. FIGHT-TO..

ps-thanx to Betty,who makes me enjoy reading.