Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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All in a Day's Work

Thursday, October 5, 2006 |

I just got home from work and I'm all tired out. We had a new launch yesterday, and everything went crazy coz everyone was calling everyone, and within two hours we sold the whole phase out! But because we knew that there'd be another phase, (we were just waiting for the price) we told our clients to put in reservations anyway, and we'd wait to see if there were more available units. up this morning, supposedly to go to the office coz there was a meeting, we had 10 new exit offers! But I couldn't make it coz I had to see my client before he went outstation, so I went to see my client in Cheras, presented the project, went home for lunch, then I had to meet another client to present the same project in Sunway, *deep breath* then I had to go back to the office in KL to submit the cheques for the reservations, met another client to return her document package, and then I got stuck in the jam all the way home. Sighz....

Travelling is tiring. Especially here in the wonderful land of traffic jams. ;P

Not to mention, I slept late because I was preparing all the materials for presenting to my clients today. That's one of the features of this job; every time we have a new launch in a new area, we have to acquaint ourselves with all the information in record time, or everything will be all sold out before you even get your hands on it.

The good thing about it is that most of our existing clients already know our concept, and they've seen our track records, and they trust our company and our product, so the moment we tell them there's a new launch in a great place, they say "Buy!" first, and show them the details later. LOL!

The bad thing is that clients who are new to our company and our concept usually miss out on the best projects, because they take too long to think about it. But of course, the moment they become our clients, they make quick decisions for any new launches after that. =D

It was a really *really* tiring day, but I feel accomplished. =D And tomorrow is another busy day, we're all preparing for a company event this weekend, and it's going to be a really good one. 10 projects with offers, all at once! Woo....I'm impressed! LOL!

Anyway, now that I'm back home, finally, I've stuck my butt on to my chair I'm am not leaving it. Unless it's to get stuck to my bed instead. LOL!