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Quiet Reading Day

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 |

I took an off day from work today coz I was feeling a little sick, what with the haze and not getting enough rest during the weekend too. =(

But it was great lying back and reading the whole day today. I haven't had many chances to relax and enjoy a whole day of quiet reading for so long now, and oh, it was wonderful!

I finished reading Agatha Christie's The Clocks, which by the way, adds to my blissfulness today. I haven't read Agatha Christie's works since I was 13! Oh my gosh, that's like more than 10 years ago! I'm so glad I found her again.

You can go to my bookblog to see my review about it. =D I'm now on a mystery phase. I have to go back to work tomorrow though, and there's so much to do this week, so I'll just have to read in bits and pieces again.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. LOL!

Having a lot to do at work means a big fat paycheck for me, so I don't mind reading a little at a time. What to do... We all have to work to earn the money to support our passions. ;D