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Christy and Ricky's Wedding

Sunday, October 8, 2006 |

Saturday I had to wake up really early to go to work, and I overslept. Serves me right for staying up so late the night before. And the funniest thing was, Lone and Bob both overslept too! I don't know if C-Zer overslept, but he was late too, so I'd assume he did. LOL! All the culprits were late to work!

Anyway, nothing really interesting happened at work, so I'll just skip to the good part. Soo Wan's wedding!

It was the most beautiful wedding I had ever been to! The most touching, happiest, wonderful, truly happy-ever-after fairytale wedding! And Soo Wan was so beautiful... I can't find the words to describe the wedding, all I can say is that there wasn't a dry eye in the entire room after Soo Wan's and her newly wedded husband's speeches. *sniff* :~)

I'm so envious but so happy for her! I wish her and Ricky all the best in their marriage! I can't stop tearing up every time I think of how touching their wedding was. This is really true love, and I sooooo believe in the magickal powers of true love now.

The beautiful bride and groom with Charmin and me.

The beautiful bride, Soo Wan and me

Charmin, Elaine, and me

The SKLian girls

It was great catching up with all my old schoolmates too. Everyone was there! It was an absolutely beautiful and memorable night! I know I'm going to keep this night in my heart for a very very long time. All the best to Soo Wan and Ricky! With all my love!