Hi guys, thanks for being reader on our blogs. You guys are awesome.
I am here to wishing all of you from around the world, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Stay healthy and happy always!!!
Peace from Lone and Betty :)
My Life Choices
Friday, October 30, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 11:46 PM | Labels: Betty, Personal, ThoughtsFor my friends and family who are trying their best to understand why I make the choices I make, here’s a story that may help:
The Big Business Way
The American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.
The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?
The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The American then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time?
The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor."
The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?"
To which the American replied, "15-20 years."
“But what then, senor?”
The American laughed and said, “That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.”
“Millions, senor? Then what?”
The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
My dear friends, I’m already ‘living in a small coastal fishing village, sleeping late, fishing a little, playing with my kids, having a siesta with my wife, strolling to the village in the evenings where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos.’
I love my life! =D
Meditation on Oct 29 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 10:59 AM | Labels: 43 things progressThis morning went great! I planned to wake up every morning at 7am, then freshen up and meditate for about 15-30 mins before breakfast.
I didn’t sleep very well last night, and I was very groggy when the alarm went off this morning. I felt like rebelling and not going through with this plan on the excuse that I didn’t sleep well, but after a couple of minutes fighting with myself, I decided that I could always take a nap later if I was really tired.
So I got up, and I had a great session! Felt more refreshed and enlightened, and of course, also happiness and pride that I was disciplined and motivated enough to do this! =)
I hope I’ll continue to do well with this, and make it a regular thing. I think it would really benefit me a lot in the long run.
One non-fiction book a month
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 3:10 PM | Labels: 43 things progressI read a lot of books, but I want to make sure that I’m also reading some books that I can learn something else from.
One non-fiction book a month should be doable. And of course, required textbooks for my studies aren’t counted.
I might have to make a list of the non-fiction books I’d like to take on. I have a few in mind already. =)
I’ve set aside two hours a day in the mornings for the whole month of November, and I’m not allowing myself to do anything else during those two hours.
It’s easy for me to distract myself and procrastinate, but I guess one of the things I gotta learn is self-discipline. I really want to do this, and I have to remind myself of my motivations.
The great thing is that you’d only have to be disciplined for a short while, and after that, it becomes a habit.
If all goes well, I’m planning to continue the two hours writing every morning, even after NaNoWriMo is over.
Good luck to all participants! And good luck to me too!
Today is my dearest birthday. Betty, she has working hard. And got no time for her self to do whatever she wants, reading etc... And today is her big day. I know she may felt missing something, that on her birthday is kind of quiet. :) But anyway, I will bring her to enjoy her day when the right time!
I love her! muacks! Happy Birthday!!! And you wishes will come true!!!
Busy Days
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 9:57 PM | Labels: Books, Lone, Music
Hi there, how are you guys doing?
I know , I know , suppose to write more here. (-_- ;)
Anyway, been busy with lot of things.
And here to update a picture that I took on Monday, at night we were performed in Bukit Jalil, Golf Club, is a private event (wedding dinner).
Yeh , talk bout reading book , Betty has been busy with her work ...Superb BUSY...
Hardly have chance to read her book , and as for me , HAHA!! I am slow reader, I can play fast in guitar or drums , but not with books.
At this moment reading Cell by Stephen King, about 55% done... shame to say that it has took me more than a month... :( for some of you , as fast reader , this is crisis right? LOL... I will read k? Will read... :P
Keep in touch :)
regards: Lone
Remember a year ago, when I said Lone and I were moving in together to this blog address from Just Betty, and from his own personal blog?
Remember I said that was so we didn’t have to maintain so many blogs and just use one for the both of us?
Well, now we have dozens of blogs each, and I feel stupid for ever thinking I’d be happy with one.
Let’s see… I have this blog, my own book blog, another blog for my crocheting, and one for learning Chinese, and my health blog, and another blog for my book chats, and one over at Livejournal, and another one at vox, a private one just for me, and another for our music… And I kinda want another one for… stuff.
Lone has this blog, his blog for learning Japanese, another for learning Spanish, his guitar tutorial blog, and another blog for our original music, and another for original Chinese music, and well….
You’re laughing at us now, aren’t you?
You are. I know you are.
Stop laughing.
Please stop.
I said stop.
Hey!! Stop laughing!
Shut up!
Fine! Laugh if you want, I don’t care!
Here’s a thought;
We all love drama. We are all busybodies who want to know all the tragic, shocking, interesting, embarrassing, romantic, whatever… things about people.
We want to know all these things because they make us feel. More.
Drama makes us feel more. It makes us feel alive.
Ok, stop, wait. Let’s backtrack.
Don’t you agree that human beings in general love drama? No? How about looking at the film industry and seeing how many of us are addicted to those ridiculously nonsensical Korean dramas?
Oh, let’s not even talk about the Korean dramas, we like any kind of drama. And in fact, now we’ve gone further down the abyss to the realm of reality shows. Real life drama, how could we not love it?
We definitely love real life drama, alright. Don’t we all love gossiping about that old classmate of ours who had an affair with her fiancé's best man right before the wedding? Or the one whose husband turned out to be gay? Or the bride who looks like she’s got a bun in the oven for at least a couple of months now?
Yep, we do. We love drama. End of story. Don’t argue.
Ok, now let’s talk about why we love drama. As I said, it makes us feel more alive. How?
By stimulating our affectations. Our feelings.
What do we feel when we talk about dramatic things happening to people? What do we feel when dramatic things happen in movies? What do we feel when dramatic things happen to us?
Shock? Hate? Disgust? Embarrassment? Pity? Empathy? Love? Wonder? Anger? Heartache?
Whatever. The point is that it makes us feel. Because otherwise, we would only have one feeling, and that would be ‘bored’.
There’s this saying, I don’t remember exactly how it goes, but it says something like you can only feel happy if you’ve known sadness, because if you’ve never felt sad, you wouldn’t know that you were happy, because you’d have no basis for comparison, or something like that.
I guess I agree with that. Because I’ve known great sadness. I feel very greatly. I love greatly, and I fall greatly, and I hurt greatly. And because of that, I’ve also known great happiness and great love.
I don’t think we could truly be alive, if we held ourselves back from feeling completely and totally with our whole body, heart, and soul, but at the same time, I’m not sure I like the way we’re handling our emotions.
See, I like drama. In books, in movies, in art. But not in my life.
I do not like drama in my life.
I have had drama in my life, and it’s enough to last me a lifetime. I don’t want any more, thank you very much.
Ok, maybe I should rephrase that.
I do not want any more negative drama in my life, but I guess positive drama would be fine.
For the record, I don’t really think there’s such a thing as positive drama, but for the sake of discussion, what I mean by positive drama is just exciting things that are happening in your life, not devastating dramatic stuff.
I don’t want to emulate Korean dramas and have some tragic accident happen to the person I love, and then he loses his memory and forget about me, but I think he’s dead, even though I never saw his body (now, tell me, if you really loved someone, would you believe he was dead if you never saw the body?), and then almost marry someone else, only to suddenly bump into the person I loved and discover that he never really died after all, and then having a whole lot of stupid reasons why we can’t be together, which doesn’t really make sense, and drag on for OMG I forgot how many dozens of episodes, only to finally be together after all when he’s lost his bloody sight!
Stupid, Korean dramas.
Sorry, I digress.
Anyway, the point is, I’m not interested in all that. And besides, if you realize, they never ever shows what happens after they get together. In every love story, when the boy gets the girl, etc, that’s the end of the story. They never ever show the happy ever after part of the story.
But in real life, after we’ve found our soulmate, our story still continues. And honestly, if it’s still drama after that then I think you’ve got a serious problem. Drama kings and queens.
So anyway, I had my excitement when finding my soulmate, and the excitement of the chase, and the surrender, etc. No drama, but very exciting excitement.
And now we’ve gotten to the point of having a really stable relationship, hardly any arguments, but of course we have disagreements, which we solve with a lot of listening to each other and without screaming, yelling, and throwing things at each other.
But is our relationship boring? Hah!!
You have no idea how wonderful everyday is being with Lone! You have no idea how alive I feel everyday, how eager I am to see him, talk to him, be with him, laugh with him! It’s a joy! It’s plain and simple happiness! And I feel. So much.
I feel so much love, so much happiness, so much joy, so much gratefulness, so much excitement, so much, so much, so much! And I don’t have to have sadness in order to feel this happiness. I know how sadness feels already, I know how frustration, anger, loneliness, uncertainty, and all that feels, I don’t need to feel it again.
I don’t need to experience the pain of breaking up, just so I can experience the euphoria of making up again. I think couples that have to do this all the time have a serious problem.
I love the stability of our relationship, and I love that we never get bored of each other.
I love that we never take each other for granted, even for the little things, especially for the little things. I love that he will say thank you for some small thing I did for him that I don’t even remember doing, because I took it for granted that I should do it. But he didn’t take it for granted.
I love it that I always think how lucky I am to get someone as wonderful as he is, and yet he’s thinking the same thing about me.
I love how we can talk for hours about anything, and how although I know him so well, I’m amazed at how much more I learn about him when we talk.
I love how sometimes when we’re doing mundane things, like reading together without even talking, and I’ll suddenly feel waves of love and gratitude emanating out of me because I have someone who I can share the simple pleasure of reading and companionship with.
I love that I can be who I really am with him, and not worry that he will not accept me for who I really am. I love that I can show him the deepest, darkest, scariest part of me, and he’s not afraid to face it head-on. I love that the deepest, darkest, scariest part of me doesn’t show its face much at all anymore, because I’m so busy laughing and being happy with him.
Um, did I digress again? LOL!
Anyway, the point is, we’ve got an amazing, DRAMA-FREE, excitement-filled relationship. And we keep it drama-free. And excitement-filled. =)
We’ve got other ways to feed our hunger for drama. Like watching those stupid Korean dramas.
LOL! Hey, I enjoy them just as much as the next person! And trust me, seeing all their unnecessary, and honestly really stupid, pain on screen makes me even more grateful that I don’t have a stupid director making stupid nonsense dramatic stories out of my love life.
So sure, I understand the human need for drama. But I think we’ve got to understand that need, and I think we should find constructive ways to feed our desire to feel strong emotions. I think drama should be kept out of your love-life and your work-life. Especially out of your love-life.
Lone and I have got a great drama-free relationship, and I know there are many others with wonderful drama-free relationships. I worry nowadays that we’re being brainwashed into thinking that more drama is better. It’s not.
We really don’t need drama in our lives.
In our books, our movies, our art. Fine. But not in our lives.
Oh, and I love Lone so much because he makes me feel alive! =)
战争 ( The War ) - Original by Lone (Teaser)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 1:19 AM | Labels: Lone's songs
This song I wrote it back to year 97, very nice song and decided remake again!!! And hope you guys will love it!!!
And this is just a "teaser" . I will upload soon for the complete version!
Love and Peace!!
My Facebook:
My Original Songs On Youtube:
Suppose to upload pics, but have no idea how to use windows writer...:(
will upload soon!! Cheers!
The Magic
Monday, July 6, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 12:33 AM | Labels: Betty, Chinese Languages, MiscellaneousHey everybody! I’m back! =)
With an English post this time. Finally!
Anyway, as you can see, I’m very into improving my Chinese these days. I’ve found the “magic” of it, you see, so I’m very encouraged and motivated to continue improving.
You know what I mean by “magic”? It’s like a breakthrough.
Previously when I was learning Chinese (on my own, because I always prefer to learn on my own than with a formal teacher, except for Lone, who’s my informal teacher now), it was a struggle to recognize and remember the words.
I didn’t get the breakthrough before, because I could only recognize and remember a few words, like “I love you”, “I miss you”, “How are you”, and the like. You could say it was a very basic, “tourist-y” knowledge, the bare minimum. I couldn’t hold a conversation with what I knew.
This time, I went out and bought some Chinese comic books, and learned from the comics! =)
You see, with comics, there are pictures, and the pictures tell you part of the story. So a lot of times, when I don’t know the word, I look it up, sometimes I have to look it up a few times before I remember the word, but sometimes, the picture gives me a hint of what the characters are saying, so I can guess some of the words easily too! =)
It helps a lot!
Of course, I still have a long way to go, and there are many words I still get mixed up, but the important thing is, I’ve broken through! I’ve found the “magic”! And that will keep me motivated to improve! =)
Ok, more stories to come later, when Lone’s posted up the pictures. =) We went to his friend’s wedding tonight, just came home, and we had lots of fun!
I didn’t know most of his friends, but they were such a fun bunch it was hard not to like them!
Post the pix up soon ya, Lone! =)
My Chinese Blog
Saturday, July 4, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 12:12 PM | Labels: Betty, Chinese LanguagesI’d forgotten to give you the link to my Chinese blog, if anyone’s interested. =) Here’s the link:
我昨天忘记给你们我的华语blog link. 如果有兴趣的,可以去看。=)
如果你不会读华语的,你甭管我写什么。可能明天我用英文写blog. 看看我的心情。哈哈哈。。。如果你真的不会华语,你怎么样可以读到我写什么呢? 真好笑!
Creep By Radiohead (cover)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 7:29 PM | Labels: Cover Songs, Lone, SpaceBlazeHave fun guys, I am try singing with original keys, hope u guys will enjoy :)
Met up with Akihiro Tanaka - The Acoustic Guitar Player
Monday, June 8, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 12:34 PM | Labels: interesting, Lone, Music(love letter from him ....LOL :) )
On Tuesday, I went to Subang Parade for a Japanese Musician - Akihiro Tanaka. (ages 23)
and his web site .
He is very good player in Acoustic, and is entertaining. I had enjoyed so much!
Here is the video , so you will have an idea how's his playing during on the stage. :)
He is also good in original songs. He composed it very good.
I also have his CD and his music score :) (for me to listen and learn his style of playing )
And guess what we both like Tommy Emmanuel ( One of top acoustic player in the world)
And last knowing him as a friend, I will too share my music to him :) LOL!
Milky- the Dog!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 12:55 PM | Labels: Dogs, Lone, My Photos with LX3 LumixLearn Chinese Languages
Thursday, June 4, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 2:13 PM | Labels: Chinese Languages, LoneRecently , We have another healthy hobbie. Betty practice hard with her Chinese, we have new game.
Is call "Chinese Letter" , game is like this, she will write to me in Chinese , and i will reply to her with Chinese.
For your information , Betty can't write much in Chinese words.But recently she has been improve lot! I am proud of her. "我为她感到骄傲!太好了!"(wo wei ta gan dao jiao ao)
This is fun! Well , it also help me to remember Chinese . Is better for me keep writing it, so I will make sure I can remember until in future I will be the one teaching my kids in Chinese :)
健康的嗜好-( healthy hobbie)
jian kang de shi hao
近来,Betty练习她的中文。 (recently, Betty practice her Chinese)
jin lai , Betty lian xi ta de zhong wen
咱们有了个新的游戏 (we have new game)
za men you le ge xin de you xi
叫:写中文信 (call: Chinese letter writing)
jiao : xie zhong wen xin
她会用中文写信给我,而我会用中文来给她回信。(She will write to me in Chinese, and I'll reply her with Chinese)
da hui yong zhong wen xie xin gei wo, er wo hui yong zhong wen lai gei ta hui xin.
*hui xin = 回信 , reply letter
Betty 会的文字有限 (Betty knows limited words)
Betty hui de wen zi you xian
但她进步的很快 (But she improved fast)
dan ta jin bu de hen kuai
我为她感到骄傲 (I'm proud of her)
wo wei ta gan dao jiao ao
真有趣 (it is fun)
zhen you qu
Betty 也可以教孩子学中文了 (Betty can teach kids to learn Chinese too) (too = 也 )
Betty ye ke yi jiao hai zi xue zhong wen le.
* 教 (jiao) = teach, guide , example: I teach her to cook.
* 叫 (jiao) = call ,example: I call her to come here.
Have fun!!!! :)
I feel like saying......these....:)
In your life, how many people you met can become your friends?
From all of these friends how many of them can be your close friends?
How many of them understand you?
And how many of them can really close to you or you can feel the connection even is been a while both you didn't meet up?
I am glad and happy for the peoples I know, whether they are my friends, relatives...whoever..
No matter when we plan to meet up, we can always be close like earlier days.. just like knowing each others for already 10years....I am glad and happy.
Recently had a gathering with my friends, and happy to meet up them. Good to see them healthy and happy.
Of cause, most important , I have her. She is my most important person in life.
She cares for me, no matter when , what, how... she always wants to know and make sure that I am OK. And the other way, I want her to be happy, so that I am happy. She makes sure I am happy , so she will be happy too. :)
Me , Lone , I am lucky person . I have lots friends , closed friends, family members that care for me so much! And .... Betty :)
All of us have different desire. You want something that might not the one I like. But I would say for Betty , the things that she likes , IS HEALTHY!!! Books, music, improvement (I love all these too because is healthy )not only in knowledge, also she also did helps me lot in my business, don't look at her and think she is just cute...
She is wise ( "smart not equal to wise" ), she has knowledge about health, music, business, and PEOPLE!
Well , this is just partly... I would say how many peoples (included Man and Woman ) in this world care to improving them self?? Ask...
I would ask myself.I always make sure I am improve!
Me..? May be some of you think that I am happy , funny, crazy...but if this is what you see me , DO YOU REALLY KNOW ME? LOL, is getting fun to talk about this..
But anyway, Betty does understand me, and me too, we both match! We have our own ability. With own power 2 become 1 , we can create magic!
Be good listener when you should listen, be good communicator when you should in the right time! No matter who you deal with or WHO YOU ARE. To learn the Art of Listening, sometimes is hard for me...:( I am still learning.
Betty and me , as days we together, we communicate, sharing thoughts....many etc..
We always talk , talk a lot. We love to talk when having dinner sometimes we can talk for 4hours. Is fun!
Another both of us always have it in our hand = H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S and M.U.S.I.C
Knowing her from day 1 til now is my best gifts to me . (My another gifts is my guitar skills :P )
Here, this post is for her Betty, and I love her! :)
Hey mates, how are you guys?
Sorry I have been busy for making music for our band SpaceBlaze..:(
Anyway this is our page in youtube- SpaceBlaze
No time for blog!!! LOL. Will catch up with you soon.
And looking forward to share with you guys our music!!!
Love and Peace!
From Lone
Place: Mojo , Location : KL - Asian Heritage Row
Sunday, May 10, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 1:05 PM | Labels: Friends, Hobbies, Lone, My Photos with LX3 LumixTook this pic , and glad to meet him. But this pic is over expose. :(
Will take a better pic.
And overall my pic here it wasn't that good, because of my setting. :(
Will do my best again! Cheers!
On e. e. cumming’s A Poet’s Advice
Thursday, May 7, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 1:49 PM | Labels: Betty, ThoughtsI'm reading R. Buckminster Fuller's Critical Path now, and in the Foreword, he included a piece by e. e. cumming entitled "A Poet's Advice". Here's how it goes:
A Poet’s Advice
A poet is somebody who feels, and who expresses his feeling through words.
This may sound easy. It isn't.
A lot of people think or believe or know they feel - but that's thinking or believing or knowing; not feeling. And poetry is feeling - not knowing or believing or thinking.
Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you're a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you're nobody-but-yourself.
To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.
As for expressing nobody-but-yourself in words, that means working just a little harder than anybody who isn't a poet can possibly imagine. Why?
Because nothing is quite as easy as using words like somebody else. We all of us do exactly this nearly all of the time - and whenever we do it, we are not poets.
If, at the end of your first ten or fifteen years of fighting and working and feeling, you find you've written one line of one poem, you'll be very lucky indeed.
And so my advice to all young people who wish to become poets is: do something easy, like learning how to blow up the world - unless you're not only willing, but glad, to feel and work and fight till you die.
Does this sound dismal? It isn't.
It's the most wonderful life on earth.
Or so I feel.
- e. e. cummings
It is very good advice, and is relevant for everyone, poet or not. What I like most about it is the being nobody-but-yourself part. It’s true that most of what we think or believe or know, have been taught to us by others, perhaps our parents, or our friends, or our leaders.
But what we feel is purely us. What I feel, despite what I know and believe and think, is purely me. Nobody-but-myself.
And here’s the thing, most of us, when we feel something other than what people expect us to feel, sometimes we lie about how we feel, so that they won’t judge us. Or sometimes we tell the truth, but feel the need to explain and justify our feelings. But mostly, we can’t explain our feelings, so we keep it to ourselves, knowing that most people will not agree with us, and will probably judge us for it.
What I’ve been thinking lately, and in fact, almost every time I encounter another human being, is how hypocritical we all are!
Yes, even myself!
I am a hypocrite, and so is everyone else in this world. Everyone! Anyone who says they aren’t is a hypocrite. But that’s another story altogether, let’s just stick with this one first.
Here’s why I say we’re all hypocrites:
Have you ever advised anyone else for them to “just be yourself”? Or perhaps you’ve told them, “be confident”, “believe in yourself”, “follow your heart”, “do what you think is best”, “don’t care what anyone else think”, or any other piece of advise in this vein?
Parents say them to their children, friends say them to friends, everyone else say them to everyone else.
But guess what? There’s a caveat, “just be yourself… as long as *I* approve of who you are”, “be confident… as long as you’re not as confident as *I* am”, “do what you think is best… as long as *I* agree with what you think is best”, “don’t care what anyone else think… as long as you care what *I* think”.
It’s sad, but it’s true. And don’t shake your head and agree with me that that’s how everyone *else* thinks, because the truth is, this is how *you* think. This is how *I* think.
That doesn’t mean that we can’t improve on our thinking, I believe life is all about improvement. Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today.
Yes, sometimes I do think that some of my friends and family, and even some people that I don’t know personally, are stupid or crazy or weird or hopeless or whatever, because they don’t think like me. But I try to understand them, or if I can’t, I try to simply accept them as they are. I think that’s the least any of us could do.
The reason e. e. cumming’s A Poet’s Advice spoke to me, is because when he said you’re a lot of other people when you think or believe or know versus being nobody-but-yourself when you feel, I realize and understand that my thoughts and beliefs are a result of what family, friends, and society has taught me.
But sometimes I feel differently from what I think, and perhaps I can say the same about most people too.
Perhaps our feelings are where we can start to find the real us. The nobody-but-ourselves. Regardless of what anybody else thinks.
More Pic of LX3 Camera
Posted by Lone QL Chu at 10:43 AM | Labels: Betty, Hobbies, Lone, My Photos with LX3 LumixTigers finds new momma - this is really sweet!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Posted by Hazellie at 2:22 PM |Pic of Betty and Me (Space Blaze)
Posted by Lone QL Chu at 11:30 AM | Labels: band, Betty, Lone, Personal, SpaceBlazeTissue Bread - Indian food
Posted by Lone QL Chu at 10:35 AM | Labels: Food, Lone, My Photos with LX3 Lumix You can name it as "Titanic"...haha!!

Relatives came from China - HaiNan Island (part 1 )
Saturday, May 2, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 8:38 PM | Labels: Family, Lone, My Photos with LX3 Lumix, Personal

erm...name as chinese new year cake..? lol...

Where am I ?

Here, the one with nice butt...:P
Stay tune , the next I wil be blogging about Betty... she cooked for me after I visited my relatives on the same day...DINNER TIME!!
Pic of LX3 Camera
Friday, May 1, 2009 Posted by Lone QL Chu at 10:28 AM | Labels: Hobbies, Lone, My Photos with LX3 Lumix
