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Meditation on Oct 29 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009 |

This morning went great! I planned to wake up every morning at 7am, then freshen up and meditate for about 15-30 mins before breakfast.


I didn’t sleep very well last night, and I was very groggy when the alarm went off this morning. I felt like rebelling and not going through with this plan on the excuse that I didn’t sleep well, but after a couple of minutes fighting with myself, I decided that I could always take a nap later if I was really tired.


So I got up, and I had a great session! Felt more refreshed and enlightened, and of course, also happiness and pride that I was disciplined and motivated enough to do this! =)


I hope I’ll continue to do well with this, and make it a regular thing. I think it would really benefit me a lot in the long run.