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The Magic

Monday, July 6, 2009 |

Hey everybody! I’m back! =)


With an English post this time. Finally!


Anyway, as you can see, I’m very into improving my Chinese these days. I’ve found the “magic” of it, you see, so I’m very encouraged and motivated to continue improving.


You know what I mean by “magic”? It’s like a breakthrough.


Previously when I was learning Chinese (on my own, because I always prefer to learn on my own than with a formal teacher, except for Lone, who’s my informal teacher now), it was a struggle to recognize and remember the words.


I didn’t get the breakthrough before, because I could only recognize and remember a few words, like “I love you”, “I miss you”, “How are you”, and the like. You could say it was a very basic, “tourist-y” knowledge, the bare minimum. I couldn’t hold a conversation with what I knew.


This time, I went out and bought some Chinese comic books, and learned from the comics! =)


You see, with comics, there are pictures, and the pictures tell you part of the story. So a lot of times, when I don’t know the word, I look it up, sometimes I have to look it up a few times before I remember the word, but sometimes, the picture gives me a hint of what the characters are saying, so I can guess some of the words easily too! =)


It helps a lot!


Of course, I still have a long way to go, and there are many words I still get mixed up, but the important thing is, I’ve broken through! I’ve found the “magic”! And that will keep me motivated to improve! =)


Ok, more stories to come later, when Lone’s posted up the pictures. =) We went to his friend’s wedding tonight, just came home, and we had lots of fun!


I didn’t know most of his friends, but they were such a fun bunch it was hard not to like them!


Post the pix up soon ya, Lone! =)