Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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know me better from here. part2

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 |

What is..
Your biggest fear?:alone
Your silliest quirk?:got in the wrong car(stranger's)in mamak
Your most over-used word?:"saw that"
The dumbest thing you've done?:finger transformer (toys)..ask me!
The silliest thing you've done recently?:i am always SPACE*
One of your bad habits?:have dinner and watching TV
When you..
Get frustrated::leave me alone(warning)
Get mad::get away from me.
Get really mad::u better run,for your own good!!
Are really happy::i dont want to be alone^_^
Drink::vanilla shake
Alcoholic drink::GUINNESS- DRAUGHT any color will do.
Animal::cats,dogs..sometimes ants,i dont really kill them!
Radio Station::any wll do ,as long as is music,not ADS!!
Time of the year::2-3-1996 smashing pumpkins concert in spore
Time of day::friday,cuz i have another 2days off!..if is sunday, that will be last day off!
Weather::winter,when msia is hot.
Most annoying song::you're beautiful,very cc..
Most meaningful song lyrics to you::my own song(gan juet aka feeling)
And::wu nai( my own too)
You wish that::money drop from sky..hahah
You miss::stars**
If you could meet someone famous::koda kumi, jap singer!
Or::radiohead - the band
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