Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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jam session with Eddy

Sunday, November 12, 2006 |

haha fun fun fun... what a saturday,,

today was jaming day, we the band* went to hartamas studio for jaming, because of willie cant make it , he always bz, good for him . and we have a new drummer name Eddy, join us a seesion to play. he got no idea what songs we are going to play , jam with ..

our numbers were : songs by GNR, metallica, sass jordan , aerosmith, radiohead,Stevie Ray too....etc..

well oh ya, our big time band, deep purple too !..

was fun , Eddy kind of no idea what we are playing , but he is good , cuz he manage to try out some beat, cool , i love it ! enjoy it..too

well , looking forward to see his performance too , btw, he is a vocal for the local band..on 18th he is playing in Spore , 22nd going to play in Curve. cheers, eddy , nice knowig ya.! thanx to suzanne cuz she introduce him to us.thank you .....(tiang kayu)