Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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1st day work-21-2-07

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 |

hahaha,,, this was a funny day i want to talk bout it(simple way)...

we were told from our Vice President that whoever come to office on this day, between 7am to 9am, will gt a big ang pow.

So me and Betty went to office 8.30am....

opss... no one was around. it just 2 of us, we waited until 10am ..end up we decide to take our breakfast cuz we were so STONE... no enough sleep from last night(still in CNY mood)

then , after our breakfast, we met VP, hahaha end up he said gong xi fa cai .. and we got the ang pow...

i still can recall back that , last year CNY, he gave us rm 50 per person..this time...rm 100..
i think he gave away more than rm 7000, for that day itself.

thanks to our VP....yess!!!!this year my total ang pow ..nearly rm 800
