Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Love is in the Air

Saturday, February 14, 2009 |

Since it's Valentine's Day, I thought it would be appropriate to post about our marriage registration today. =)

Yes! Lone and I have registered for marriage, we're legally married now!

Please don't cry, Johnny Depp, you know you'll always be in my heart! =D

No, we didn't register today, can you imagine registering on Valentine's Day, and forever after having to share your anniversary with every other couple in the world and paying exorbitant prices for a nice dinner and/or flowers and chocolates?

Nope, don't want that.

I'm actually not a fan of Valentine's Day, and I make sure Lone *never* buys me flowers or anything at all on this day. Do you know how many books I could buy with that money? Wasted on flowers that are going to wilt and die?


Ok, let me clarify that I'm actually quite the hopeless romantic, and I love romance and love stories perhaps even more than the average girl! I just don't think there's anything romantic about our now very VERY commercialized Valentine's Day, though I actually love Valentine's Day itself.

But I digress! Today isn't a day for me to complain about the commercialism of a perfectly great Saint's day that was ruined by the modern man, today is a day for me to tell the world that we're no longer single. =)

But always available!

Anyway, we've registered, but the wedding dinner is only going to be held next year in January because we couldn't get any good dates this year.

I wanted to post the pictures of our registration too, but I have no idea where Lone put them. We'll ask him to post the pictures later, ok? =)

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!













I still love you, Johnny Depp! Hugz and kisses! =D