Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Lion Dance - Chinese New Year Feb 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 |





Chinese New Year for me , I guess is getting less and less fun...


Compare back to late 80's and early 90's , we as small kids , can get to play all kinds of fireworks.

And you hardly to see "the red floor" in front of every houses , or shops beside streets.
What I mean here is every houses they played with red firecrakers ( with loud noise if you have any idea which I'm talking )

But now government has banned. :(

Why? I think because now days people they are not handling with cares, some of them trying t b "smart" and modify to make a bigger bomb. But end up they "boom" their fingers, or worse ~ burn their own house.

Is because of this , those who knows how to "handle with care" are missing to having good time with fireworks during Chinese New Year. I am sad about this.
I used to hurt my self, but I had learned! And I would say y generation is consider the "LAST BATCH" of kids who get to play fireworks.

I can't share with my kids in future, and even my grand child. :(

If only may be bring them to China , and buying all the fireworks for them to play!

And also when I was kid, during Chinese New Year , all of us went back to hometown to meet up all relatives, grandpa and grandma always welcome us. In home town I get to see cow, goat, horse , and more, we climbed up coconut tree to get some of those. We have fish catching session in a small stream, play with ants, of cause FIREWORKS.

Fireworks is not only for festival celebration. To me is meant a lot. Is gathering.

We play and fun together with fireworks. We having match with wireworks (see who has the most colourful one, or whose one fly higher..) things like that...

But we know the danger, never simply modify if you don't know.

And today , fireworks is GONE!

Ask: Why banned the beautiful "part" of this culture?


Back to another story, after many years, recently we went to Edmund's new home, he was having birthday party + Chinese New Year party . We went to visit him. He was my band member - lead guitarist.(Back to 1996~1998)

We had good time with lion dance, fireworks. Check out the video ya?

There's one part I really enjoyed it.

During two "Lion" having dancing , Edmund placed the "ang pow" aka pocket money on top of tin of beer. There's four of those.

And the lions have to drink before "collect" the "ang pow".

End up , lions got drunk!!!! Hahaha!!

Last, cheers and Happy Chinese New Year once again!