Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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water flooded!!!!!At Kayu-ChaoYang

Saturday, October 11, 2008 |

This evening , me and my brother-Alwin went to Chow Yang around 5pm for tea (kayu restaurant)with friends, And was heavy rain , and i took some pics here, Because something was happened!!!! Now you see, now u don't :(

And poor people who stay near there, water flooded into their house, and i saw a yellow cat from floor climbed up to the roof of the house :(

And a mice came up from"Flooded Drain" went into the kayu restaurant where we were.

About 45mins~1hour, finally rain stopped , road getting * clean , but poor houses at the side attacked by the water, and they were cleaning , sweeping hard!!!! :(

poor them !!Moral of the story.....stay up the hill!