Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Twittering, and others

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 |

Lone and I have recently been re-introduced to, and we’re both quite addicted to it! =)


That’s my excuse!


It’s so much easier to tweet short updates on Twitter, than it is to blog, though of course, you can’t really compare the two because they’re quite different.


For instance, I like the convenience and directness of Twitter, but I love the fact that blogging allows me to be as long-winded as I want to be. And as you all know, I *am* long-winded. =P


Anyway, if you have a Twitter account, add me and Lone there. If you don’t, you can sign up for one. If you don’t want to sign up for one, you can just read our updates there, if you like. If you don’t want to go there, you can see my updates on the sidebar ------>> There! Um… further up near the top of the page.


If you do have a Twitter account and you don’t want to add me or Lone, well… ok then.


Other than that, my aunt and uncle from Canada has just returned home. =(


My aunt’s been here since January, my uncle came not long after that. Having them here for months, instead of days, you kind of take it a little bit for granted that you have plenty of them to see each other, and you end up not really spending that much time together after all.


I was supposed to cook my aunt’s favorite dishes for her, since she read on my blog that I’ve cooked them for my family before, and I kept thinking I had plenty of time to cook for her, but I didn’t get a chance to, so now I’ve got to make sure I go to Canada if only to cook for her! ;)


Our migrating plan is still on, the paperwork is tedious and slowing us down, but of course, we know it’s necessary to do them right or risk wasting more time. We’re not going to go until after our wedding next year though, well, obviously, so we’ve still got some time to plan and work things out.


We’ll keep you posted. =)


Check back soon because Lone and I are crazy over the LX3, so as soon as we buy the new camera, we’ll be taking a *lot* of pix and posting them up here. =)