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TV Series and the Law of Attraction

Thursday, September 25, 2008 |

Not finished with the haloscan comments yet... been too busy before, and too lazy now. Maybe I'll get Lone to do it instead (since I always make him do what I'm too lazy to do... *g*).

Anyway... I just wanted to talk about the Law of Attraction. I think many people know about it ever since The Secret came out, so I'm not going to go into a recap here, but I do want to talk a little about how I've become aware of how it affects my life.

So, first of all, I want to say that I'm now sick, again. Second of all, I want to say that I had been getting sick a lot since a couple of months ago. Third and most important of all, I want to say that I absolutely know the reason why I've been getting sick, and I'm not happy about it!

So here's why: I started watching Grey's Anatomy a couple of months ago.

For the record, I think Grey's Anatomy is a stupid, stupid show. It's so stupid that I sometimes just want to strangle all the writers and the actors for going along with it.

Ok, I know it's a very popular show and many people watch it, Winter Sonata was also a very popular stupid stupid show. It just goes to show how many stupid people there are in this world, (me included, since I watched them both...=P). But come on!

First he wants her, then his wife shows up, then he still wants her but his wife is in the way, then his wife offers him a divorce so that he can be free with her, then he doesn't want her and gets back with his wife, then she wants him but he wants to try with his wife, then she finally lets go of him and finds a new guy, then suddenly he wants her back and breaks up with his wife, then she wants him again, and then he doesn't want her again, and then they finally get together, and then they both don't want each other again, and....aaarrrggggHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STUPID, STUPID SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I digress. Yes, the show is stupid, but that's got nothing to do with what I was talking about earlier about the Law of Attraction.

My point is that I started getting sick when I started watching Grey's Anatomy, and the reason is, other than all the stupid going-ons with Meredith and McDreamy, the show is about people in the hospital getting sick and dying. And if you understand the Law of Attraction, then you'll get the connection.

But because I was so into the whole stupid thing going on with Meredith and McDreamy, I decided to see the whole show through. Yes, I watched the whole Seasons 1 to 4 in a matter of weeks! Like I said, I'm stupid.

So when I finally finished, I was so relieved that the whole thing was over, (until Season 5, which I'm not sure if I still want to watch, both for reasons of health, and because of the stupid stupid thing with Meredith and McDreamy, which although seemed like it ended well in Season 4, I have no doubt will crash and burn again later, because the writers are just so stupid!) and I started getting well again! Yayyyyy!!

In the process of me realizing about the whole Law of Attraction thing, while I was still sick and not getting well, I also watched Scrubs, which although is more of a comedy, but still about people in the hospital getting sick and dying.

Terrible, terrible energies I was attracting to myself! Boooo!!!

So I told myself that I would not watch any hospital related shows anymore. No Scrubs (LoL!), no ER (which I never watched), no General Hospital(which I'm not sure what it's about, but with that title it should be about hospitals), and no more Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!


Hey, I just want to know what happens next, alright?! Don't judge me! =P

Anyway, back to the topic.

I'm now sick again, although I haven't been watching any hospital related shows, and I started wondering why, and then it hit me!

I started watching Ghost Whisperer!! You know the one with Jennifer Love Hewitt? And she can see ghosts and talk to them and help them go into the light... (OMG, so cliche!).

I actually started watching it because I had been watching so many dramas that had hooks that kept you watching episode after episode wanting to know what happens next, and I thought I needed a break, and Ghost Whisperer was perfect because each episode was in and of itself. =)

But it's about dead people!!!!! Who were sick and dying!!!!!!

So yeah, add Ghost Whisperer to the list of shows that I can't watch anymore either. And by the way, add Six Feet Under to the list too (hah!! I've already finished watching it years ago and they're not coming out with anymore seasons, so there!).


I thought what about CSI, because there's dead people in there too, but I've never gotten sick when I watched it, and besides, usually the dead people die by accident or murder, not because they got sick. (I hope that doesn't mean I'll attract those though....*shudder*)

But there's a few shows that I've deemed safe for me to watch, so far....

  • Prison Break (I'm attracting smarts and macho handsome men with their shirts off!)
  • Gossip Girl (Ahh...well, I could stand to become a pretty bitch with lots of money *g*)
  • Smallville (Who wouldn't want superpowers?! Or you know, I wouldn't mind being Mrs. Lex Luthor either.)
  • Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles ( Since I'm a pretty bitch with lots of money, attracting all the handsome macho men with their shirts off, a terminator as my bodyguard would be perfect!)
  • Desperate Housewives (It's just fun...=P)
  • Heroes (See above: Smallville)

I'll probably find other shows to add to the list later, but it's not like I can watch so many at once anyway. So that's about it for now. It's kinda more than enough anyway.

Now, if I could just find a show about a healer who heals everyone she meets, no matter what, and never ever ever loses a patient, I'm sure I'll get well in no time! =)

Hmmm....not a bad idea for a show, though they'd have to have some deaths and difficulties to make it more interesting, so I probably wouldn't watch it either. But it's a good idea! It's like a superhero show where the superpowers are healing, and the bad guys are germs and bacteria! LOL!

If a show like this ever came out, remember you heard it here first, ok! =) They probably stole my idea. =P