Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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the STAR

Monday, March 12, 2007 |

today want to write something different..share with you , a year before i was a good person,friendly,kind....etc..:)

today, i am a BETTER person.

from the ''STAR'',i get to see clearer my future, my journey,and of course i know myself better.

the Star, she showed me the way to galaxy, a place where full of knowledge.
that's our library
.where can makes us smarter.

she makes me smarter, she makes me want to be smarter.i am so glad to know her.She is my stars,shining on me.

She motivate me when i am down, she trying to cheer me up whenever i am down.

And it's fun to have something to share with, musics,reading,food..etc..

When i am working, (i am a person really focus in work),it's feel really good ,cuz she works with you together, and making all happen.

We share no matter what, when we up or down.. we cheer up each other.

feels like a moon and stars..:)

When early morning, i just feel like want to make her a good breakfast, so she will be more energy for the whole day.

Moon and Star really match..

oh Star...