Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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oh yeh...ahhh~~~

Sunday, March 11, 2007 |

haha, finally ,

this whole week i had been wake up very early, and been sleep late.:(

today (SAT) was company event, lots of client came to our office, i had been bz the whole day... tired...argggggggggg...stop thinking of work...

is time to rest..

tomorrow is sunday. i on my button... the "AUTO WAKE UP MODE"not by alarm.

for what i know about sleeping, if a person want to sleep , and wake up ..ermm what i am trying to say is the "way" that we wake up... suppose is [auto wake up]..
cuz when auto wake up without setting the alarm, it means your body have good rest, (may be sometimes u feel sleepy )but the best just wake up may be u can do some work up...gym...etc..

tomorrow is my work up day too...!! yehh..