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Holly's Inbox

Monday, March 12, 2007 |

Guess what I've been reading?

I've just been introduced to Holly's Inbox by a fellow bookcrosser, and now I'm hooked!

If you like chic lit, and if you're a fan of Bridget Jones' Diary and other such books, you'll love this too.

This is a book told in the form of emails, which might have already been done, but not the way they're doing it. Go take a look for yourself and see. It's available online at Holly's Inbox and it looks just like an actual outlook inbox!

I started late last week, so I had time to go through the previous four weeks' emails during the weekend. I finished it on Saturday, and waited so impatiently for this week's emails that I kept refreshing the page every few hours! Blek...=P

What can I say? I'm a geek?