Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Lesson from Dad

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 |

something to learn from dad.

well what happen was i have a water filter machine, i love to drink my R.O water,cuz is clean , healthy.
this morning i founded that the machine doesn't work..

i was unhappy:( and also i am gonna miss my water!!..

when night, i came back , i told my dad that the machine was breakdown,(may be dad can help up)
then he took up some kind of machine to test(like a electric tester),after tested, he said the fuse in the adaptor is not working,so he took out the fuse,(inside there was a little tiny line,broke!Line suppose to join it from A to B)

Then dad took another wire,split to smaller tiny line, and "souled"
it back.Finally it workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssss!!!

Yeah , i got back my water, haha .
I realise that my dad is not only good in taking pics(with his Nikon camera,full of those zoom lens) he also can do some repair for those "water paip",electric things....)
and he said good to know some of these, in future we might need to .Just in case!!..

i agree with him, does any man out there(family man) know how to fix thing? when your house got some problems and your family members need your help?

i think for me , i know how to fix the light(exchange the light)hahaa..
clean house,wash plate(i am pro with this)
arrange my house, cooking (erm..bit bit ),very good in trowing rubbish..

many things to learn , i guess i will spend bit time with him sometimes to learn and chat with him more , get some tips to make things better!

cheers to him and me!