Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Fishing day(during my birthday)9-12-06

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 |

So sorry , I was bz, and got no pics to upload, that's the reason I didn't post anything!..Anyway happy new year once again.

On my birthday last year(opsss) (me , Betty and her parents)we went to private pond(uncle friend's) somewhere sg buloh,went for fishing.happening, early morning , all the fish u can see they flipping around..wahh...^_^ shiokkkkknya...hehe.

we fish from 8am till 2pm...aikkss, weather is hot , I got sunburn:(
around my neck,hand,my drumsticks(chicken drumsticks)...All got burn!

my fish>>> ikan batin** hahaha..3kg..I guess,I got 2 on that day,but let go one.

Betty got one too

well, we all got different fish.not taking picture with the same fish

Uncle showed us how to fish...(thanks once again)