in November, cuz i did a good result in company. my division gave me a trip (of cause with others).. we had a wonderful trip in Bukit Tinggi, and we had a wonderful dinner with lamb(forgotten the name of the meal) those italia food...
then we went to somewhere near the dancing stage watching *java dance.they were really good , wahh lau.. can twist here and there, i thougt i am good (like Michael Jackson) but they even better hahaha....!!! blowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......haaha, Betty bought this and we enjoyed playing with it. IN our room! oh ya, Judy with us too!
beautiful chicssss...pweeeeeeee...ber-posing!!!
i had a horse riding, haha see?it was my 1st time , well , i think for 30mins
the first 15mins cuz i am not used to it, and i got fear with the ride, cuz worry it will trow me to somewhere.
what i know form friend, they said that if u on the horse , u cant show them u have the fear inside your heart, because they can feel it!!!...
well i think better end up i be the metal horse rider than this.. but however it was really really FUN!
then we went to rabbit farm,Japanese tea house.... etc..
so that's our trip! yehhhhhhhhhhh....(sorry for the late post)