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Wonderful life

Monday, March 9, 2009 |

I've been spending a lot of time blogging about books on my bookblog at Betty's Books lately, and not much time blogging here.


Obviously that means that I have been spending most of my days being a boring stay-at-home reader than a happening party-girl, LOL! But that doesn't mean that my life has been boring at all, nope!


It just means that I read really fast!


And also, my life is so damn exciting now, I don't even know how to tell you!


As most people already know, Lone and I have gotten registered, meaning we're legally married now, but the wedding dinner will only be in January next year because it was the earliest we could book a place, and the best 'feng shui' date we could get.


And we're going to be picking the gowns tomorrow for the pre-wedding photo shoot for next week.


Ok, here's the truth, we haven't actually done much organizing for the wedding dinner yet, we haven't even figured out the guest list yet! And it's not because we think we have plenty of time, I know time flies past faster than you know, but it's because we've been busy with something else much more important in the long run.


A wedding dinner is one night.


Many people would say that it's a special one-time occasion only and that we should make it a memorable night and it's extremely important and blah blah blah....


It's not that I don't agree, but ok, I don't agree.


It's just one night, sure it's special, but it's not *that* special. I'm not a sentimental kind of girl, nor am I superstitious, and I only do the 'feng shui' thing because of family.


In fact, if it wasn't for family, I probably wouldn't even care about having a traditional wedding dinner at all, and I'd just have like a small, cozy celebration with just a few close family and friends.


Anyway, I digress. The wedding dinner is important, sure. But what Lone and I are involved in right now is for the rest of our future, not just one night, but forever.


We're planning to migrate to Canada.


Seriously. We're just getting all the all the documents ready at this point, there's a LOT of paperwork to be done. And when we've got everything ready, then we'll submit our application.


It's really quite tedious, the whole process, and we're not sure how long it's going to take, but Lone and I have done all our necessary research and we're quite adamant about migrating.


So yeah, we're gonna plan the guest list for our wedding dinner, and probably everything else we need soon, but Canada's got the priority right now.


We'll miss our family and friends, and we'll miss Malaysia, but there are things waiting for us in Canada, and so much to look forward to there.


I can't wait!