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Prison Break killed Sara Tancredi... Damn!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 |

I can't believe that they killed Sara Tancredi off the show!!!

And by decapitation!

This just sucks...

They said they had to kill her because they needed to give Michael some motivation to make the show more interesting, and Sara Wayne Callies (who plays Sara Tancredi) is pregnant and didn't want to do the show. I guess they had to do it...

But then again, it could just be an elaborate hoax, which I admit could just be wishful thinking on my part, but you never know. Wait til you hear the theory though...

So let's see, they need Michael to be motivated, and Sara Wayne Callies is pregnant. So they pretend to kill Sara Tancredi, to give Michael his motivation, and SWC the time she needs for her family. Then they make a big deal out of it, and release news reports and all that about how Sara needed to be killed, and SWC didn't want to act...blah blah blah.

And then much later, we'll find out... Sara Tancredi isn't really dead!!! Yayy!

She comes back towards the end of the season, or maybe she comes back next season, and we find out that it wasn't really her head in the box. It was another dead woman's head that they operated on to look like Sara Tancredi (they're good with plastic surgery, remember the bitch Senator's brother?). The evil Susan didn't really have Sara Tancredi in her hands to kill, so she sent someone else's head as Sara's to motivate Michael to do as they want.

The show goes on, Michael is motivated, Sara Wayne Callies gets her time with her family and gets to come back later, publicity/ratings for the show soars, and the fans are happy! It's win-win-win-win-win for all!

I only wish it was true...

Well, time will tell, though I'm pretty sure it's just wishful thinking. But you never know... there's always the possibility.