Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Phantom of the Opera!

Thursday, May 10, 2007 |

I'm going off to Singapore for the weekend to watch the Phantom of the Opera!!

*high-pitched squeal*


I've been waiting for it ever since it started showing. It just happened that I wasn't free every single weekend until this one, and it's supposedly the last weekend they're showing, but they extended it til next week because it was so popular.

I'm going off tomorrow to JB to visit some relatives first, then we'll leave early Saturday morning for Singapore to catch the show. We're gonna meet some friends there and stay one night, so that it won't be so hectic and we can do some shopping too.

Depending on how much we get done, we'll either be back by Sunday night, or Monday evening.

So...enjoy the weekend, guys! I know I will!

I'm soooooo excited!

POTO, here I come!