I guess it's my turn to blog here, Lone's posted up a lot of pix, and now they're just here, waiting for me to say something about them. LOL! Maybe it's not such a good idea getting Lone to post pix after all, Lone's posting them up faster than I can post about them.
Admittedly, I've also been lazy. I'll need to transfer my Haloscan comment box over, and a lot of the other sidebar stuff. They're not hard, but like I said, I've been lazy. And really disorganized, as usual.
Anyway, let's get back to the topic, Jeremy and Ee Won's Registry of Marriage! Yayyyy!! Nothing much to say actually, just that I'm really happy for the married couple. =) Their wedding dinner will be on October 25, can't wait.The happy couple and friends, I love EW's dress, did I mention? I couldn't stop staring at it the whole day, wishing I could fit into it. LOL!
The happy couple with family and friends.
Well, that's about it, Lone will post up more pix when we attend the wedding dinner. On the the next blog post for me! *g*
-=Betty=- @ 8.09pm September 06 2008