Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Busy as a bee

Thursday, April 17, 2008 |

These last couple of weeks have been really tiring!

I'm the most disorganized person I know, and it always seems like everytime I finally get organized, something comes along which makes me have to reorganize again.... I'm not good at this!!! I need a personal assistant! LOL!

Anyway, these couple of weeks after the Money N You seminar was really busy, because our band, SideWalk Bandits are now practising twice a week, so I'm going every Wednesday and Sunday, and it's til late. I just got back from a jam session, in fact, and I'm all tired out.

I'm also giving a talk at my dad's office tomorrow(Thursday), about anti-aging, how to live long and stay young and healthy, and I've been spending the last week preparing for it. Do come if you're interested, it's at 8.30 pm at Kuchai Entreprenuer's Park, call me for details, or call 03-79873151.

Yesterday there was a Money N You completion and reunion night as well, and I accompanied Lone there. Busy, busy, as a bee. Monday was another busy day.... we went on a day trip, and then Lone got sick....

Lotsa things happening... I'll be glad when I get the chance to breathe!

I haven't even had the chance to study this week. It seems that now my studies need to take a backseat as I'm concentrating more on my 'jobs'.

It's actually ok because it's meant to be a self-study course for working adults, and we get 5 years to complete it, but I really wanted to finish it fast, I wanted to finish it in one year. Which meant that I was actually going to study full-time, and work part-time. But now that I'm working full-time (actually, many jobs part-time), I guess I may have to settle for finishing the course in two years? Or maybe even three?

No...3 years is too long, at the most, I'd take 2 and a half years...

Priorities, priorities....

The fact is, there are a lot of changes happening, and which will continue to happen. And if we continue working towards our goals, it seems likely that my priorities will keep changing, and I may not even have the time to study anymore.

I'm taking everyday one at a time and see where it leads me. I'm not worried though, because I'll be happy with whatever happens. I've got lotsa choices. =)