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Groove Junction

Sunday, August 26, 2007 |

Last Friday, Lone and I went to Groove Junction in Hartamas to watch his friend and my piano teacher, Wilson, perform.

Lone introduced me to Wilson, and he invited both of us to watch him perform with his band, they played a fusion of jazz and pop and they were really good, actually. But it was a one time thing only, so we won't be going back there anytime soon. They have a cover charge, and when we asked them to take a picture for us, they had to make sure that the name of the place was in the picture. Hah.

Well, it was fun anyway, and the ambiance wasn't bad, but it's not a place I'll go back to unless the band is really, really good.

Me and Lone

The band, Wilson is the one on the keyboard, duh.

The deco was really nice

The bar looks nice too

Lone, Wilson, and me, and the bar's name behind us.