Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Another Night with Redemption

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 |

We went to Hard Rock again last weekend.

I know, I know! You're getting bored already, aren't you? But we're not! It just gets funner and funner for us! =)

Anyway, it's only for this month, coz of the band, and then they'll be going off to Jakarta after this, and I'll miss them all so much. =(

L-R: Isa(Jeff's wife), Erena and Paula(the vocalists), me, and Margaret.

Clockwise: Jeff, Raoul(keyboardist), Chris(drummer), Teody(guitarist), John, Margaret, Charmin, Ceaser, Lone and me.

L-R: Me, Raoul, Chris, John, Margaret

L-R: Erena and Paula, Lone, Charmin, Margaret, me, Ceaser, Alex(bassist), and John