Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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Saturday, June 2, 2007 |

I was having a friendly debate with a friend yesterday, which started specifically about health products and the way they get misinterpreted, but later became about the general theme of 'science vs. faith'.

He has a pharmacy, and he's very particular about the products he sells, which of course he very well should be. The descriptions need to be very specific about what the product can and cannot do for consumers, and it needs to be scientifically proven that if you 'do this with this, that will happen'.

You know what I mean... as in if it's a toothpaste, it better be a toothpaste and nothing else. One plus one is always two...etc.

On the other hand, I'm studying nutrition right now. Not nutrition about how isolated vitamins and chemicals have effects on your body(actually, I do study that too), but about how the particular food as a whole effects your body, and how your whole diet, every single thing that you put into your mouth, effects you.

So the two of us were talking about health and diseases and treatments and cures, and it was a long discussion but basically we started debating the pros and cons about medicine vs. nutrition as the road to recovery.