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A Couple of Announcements

Monday, April 16, 2007 |

I'm baaaaccckk!


It was a great seminar, and I had fun, but I missed everyone soooo damn much!!

If I said that the last two weeks seemed like much longer while I was reading The China Study, the last four days have been *eternity*! They were jam-packed full of information and life lessons like you wouldn't believe. For some of us, it was a life-changing event... for me, it was an affirmation of what I was already doing (because I had *my* life-changing event a while ago =P).

I'm proud of the people who came up with this and do this day-in, day-out for other people. It's a beautiful vocation when you dedicate your life to helping others and making the world a better place. I'm nowhere near where they are right now, so I respect these people so much.

It's not that I don't want to help people and make the world a better place, but I couldn't do it the way they do. They really get in your face about it, and it's quite personal because you meet the people you help, personally, so when you fail to see positive change, sometimes you might take it personally and feel down.

I'm not sure I'm strong enough to do that, but I'd like to help people and change the world in a more subtle way. You know, like swinging a watch left and right in front of their eyes and asking them to do what I say...


Anyways, it was *TIRING*! Three and a half FULL days! With barely enough time to sleep or eat or bathe or anything! It was like a boot camp! I was so exhausted that I slept through the whole day today.

Well, almost. I spent the rest of the day studying when I wasn't sleeping.

What? What was that?

Yup. Studying. I am officially a student again!!!

Yayyyyy! Surprise! =)

I enrolled in a A-level certificate course in nutrition and after I finish this I'm gonna go for the degree course. I'm so excited about being a student again!

I decided to take it up after I started reading The China Study, that's what I meant when I said so much had changed in the two weeks of reading the book.

I had always been interested in health studies and I'd been reading up about it on my own, I even mentioned just *very* recently that I wanted to see if there was a way I could get a degree just by studying on my own and taking the exams from a university.

And guess what? The Law of Attraction works again!! Ba-da-boom!

I found a course that allowed me to study on my own, and send in assignments and exams and get a degree! =)

I am one happy camper.

Life is just wonderful after I started consciously using the Law of Attraction. If you guys are interested in it too, click on the SGR banner on the side bar. Doncha wish your life was great like mine? ;)

Ok, more later. I'm gonna go back to studying now. Ta!