Music by SpaceBlaze and YZZY


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I Came Back Fat!

Monday, May 22, 2006 |

I'm back, and I'm fat. Sighz... The food was too good, but more about that later. I'll write a real update on my trip when I have more time, this post is just a check-in to let you know I'm back. :D

Anyway, we reached homeland Malaysia at 6pm today(21/05), and reached home at 8pm. Then came a whole lot of things to do. Called for pizza coz we hadn't had our dinner, then got Baby home from boarding at the petshop. Went online to check my mails, had too many, chatted with a couple of friends, took a bath, went back online, went out for drinks with some friends, came back and unpacked. Whew!

Too lazy to give an actual account of everything right now, and I still have to pack for an overnight trip to Genting tomorrow with my colleagues. Unpacked, just to pack again. Sighz...but it's ok, I'm still having fun. :D

Pics will be coming soon, but some of the best pics are with my dad coz he's still in China. He stayed back for golf. :P So I'll post up the ones I have, and post up more when he gets back. It was an amazing trip!

Ok, I have to go pack and ready up for tomorrow's trip again. Good night!